Östgöta Genealogiska Förening
(the Society of Genealogical Research in Östergötland)

is a regional society for researchers with interests in the county of Östergötland.

It was founded in 1950, but after a couple of years it was inhibernated until 1979.
Since then the activity has grown and now we have about 700 members.
The Society is connected to Sveriges Släktforskarförbund.

The activity is mainly concentrated to the two cities Linköping and Norrköping,
where ÖGF has its own localities with an extensive library that is at the members'
disposal during the opening hours.

Here you can see where to find the localities in Linköping and in Norrköping.

Unfortunately the pages are in Swedish. To contact ÖGF just send a
mail to info@ogf.info

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